Before you come to the clinic, we ask that you fill out and return the appropriate forms so that both you and your therapist can have an understanding of the nature of your visit and no appointment time is used up filling out forms.
When you visit one of our Naturopathic Doctors, your first visit is an initial consultation and is scheduled for one hour. We will have ample time to understand your health concerns and health goals. When you come to the office for your first visit, be prepared to talk about yourself, your medical history, your energy, sleep, digestion, your stress levels, your family health history and anything else we or you may feel is important. If time allows, the first visit involves a complaint-oriented physical exam, and often treatment options and suggestions are presented to you.
The second follow-up visit is typically 30 minutes in length and may occur 3-4 weeks later depending on the health concerns and goals. Any subsequent visits are discussed and may involve acupuncture, nutrition and lifestyle counselling, herbal therapies, or several other treatments. At Zawada Health we strive to create a simple and lasting health plan that works with your personal goals and priorities.
Again please make sure all forms, pertaining to your service, are downloaded and filled out prior to your appointment and brought with you or emailed to us ahead of time.
Naturopathic Adult Intake Package
Naturopathic Child Intake Package (less than 6 years old)
Massage Intake Package
Microneedling Intake Package
Cosmetic Acupuncture Intake Package
AlumierMD Intake Packages (2):
1. AlumierMD Patient Consent, Profile, Pre & Post Care Instructions
2. AlumierMD Patient Questionnaire